Friday, May 8, 2020


Biometric attendance and access control machines, a name which is much common amongst the masses and needs no introduction in the corporate world is indeed a need for today and tomorrow.
Talking about how the machine actually works, many of us have a general idea about punching the fingerprint attendance on the machine and it delivers the data into the computer system.  But what actual happens behind the machine is much more than that.
After when we authenticate the fingerprint on a machine, it identifies and accepts the punch. All the data is then sent to the softwares:

*Data Capture
*Time Office

Data Capture – this software acts as a first point of contact for all the biometric data or we can say that all the data gets stored in this software first. Although this software is solely for capturing the data from the machine and what it is designed for is, to interpret machine printed text into system which can be printed as well.

Time Office - the data then gets transferred to the time office software where all this data gets aligned time wise and date wise on daily/monthly/quarterly/yearly basis. This data is then used for other softwares like payroll, overtime, performance, HR management, etc. Time office software can be easily interfaced with any of the softwares. Time office software holds all those features which can be useful for any other domain in terms of processing like:

-Employee-wise policy setting
-In-built leave module
-Overtime round-off policy & setup
-Employee late arrival plan
-Shift management plan
-Leave policies
-Statutory reports

And various other features with which time office software has become the foremost choice for an intermediate biometric data processing software. Time office software comes in 2 versions:

Window Based – which get installed in a computer system and cannot be accessed from anywhere but only from a single computer. Organizations, for which data is the topmost priority and never wants it to get breached, go for the window version. The software demands for basic computer system configuration.

Web Based – this version can be accessed from anywhere round the globe, as it works on a static URL and all the data is preserved into the cloud storage. The software remains protected with id password.

So this is how the journey of the raw data comes to an end by getting into sheets, all aligned and ready to be used at different platforms.

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