Monday, April 20, 2020

Technical Assistant - Advantage in Business


An alyzing the information on what can be the role of technical assistance w.r.t automated attendance and access control with the organizations who follow 24x7 shift format  A feature loaded product with a satisfactory technical support leaves an intense impression on the customers. There comes another category of B2B clients where the grade and options for customer service & support are defined on a professional level. Not only call support but engineer's visit, after maintenance cost, post installation follow up and many other forms of support can be provided. Imagine an organization which works on the basis of shifts, employees comes in different shifts, some gets overtime working hours, some are going early, some have restricted access, some are in process to be provided and various other related problems. And between all of this the complete attendance server suffers a breakdown, company's work process won't stop but all the access controls and attendance related areas will be worst affected bringing the whole official activities to an unwanted break. Instant Support not provided on time can kill all the day long saved activities which can cause data discrepancy during salary calculations. Organizations cannot afford any mismanagement or dis-functionality in the services as it will affect the complete hierarchy and will lead to major obstacle at work.

 Companies who follow 24x7 shift formats cannot afford any mismanagement or dis-functionality in the services as it will affect the whole organization and will lead to major obstacle at work . 

Technical support works in other vectors as well, as when technology is evolving at such a swift pace, an advanced level of support is demanded.

Examples which proves the importance of technical support with biometric attendance system and access control with our clients:

1. On call support helped one of our clients to detect the port connectivity problem due to which data was not getting transferred from their manufacturing plant at Sonipat to Dehradun office

2. An inquiry received from Kiwi Foods was resolved within a couple of minutes with the help of remote sharing of the computer systems ruining no time on call.

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