Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Explaining how the biometric machine with printer works and helps in organizing meals during the meal time with various other features

How it works:
A biometric machine with a built-in thermal printer installed at the canteen area prints the food slips. The employee submits the food slip at the counter and receives the food. All the employee data which is saved in the biometric attendance machine is copied in the canteen machine through which it identifies the employees at the time of the meals.  
There are many offices who prefer different meal formats or provide all the 3-time meals, a single machine solves the purpose with the feature known as:
Finger/card punch in accordance with meal timings: The selected food menu is saved in the machine but is valid according to the meal timings. for example; if slip for breakfast will be printed by pressing 1 no. button on the machine from 8 AM to 10 AM, slip for lunch thali can be opted by pressing the same no. in the lunch timings. The generated food slip bears the date and time which acts as physical proof.
To reduce the confusion and equal food distribution among st the employees, the software holds another useful feature which is:

Set daily/monthly food limit: the software helps in setting the daily/monthly food limit by capping it for every employee, which means the employees can use the food limit given by the office management on a daily or monthly basis. However the limit can be changed as per the user and can be increased or decreased.

Per Day Count of total food slips generated: To counter the problem of food slip count mismatch, the machine can also display the total number of food slips generated per day.
Check on meal re-consumption: Meals can be managed by applying meal re-consumption filters which will restrict the meal slip to be re-generated again if the slip for the same time meal has already been generated which will make sure the meals are equally distributed within the employees.
Prepaid/postpaid plans: in terms of meal amount addition/deduction, prepaid or postpaid plans can be opted by which food credits can either be uploaded in the month’s starting or can be calculated at the month’s end.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Biometrics is proving its worth in the world of attendance and access control industry but there are so many unexplored areas where the biometrics is proving its iron and one such field is organized meals in office canteens, cafeterias and other public eating areas. Canteen Management System, a set of biometric fingerprint/smart card machine and software to deal with the meal management activities.
Offices that provide meals to their employees prefer to obtain a system that would offer them the synchronized meal distribution with accurate calculation and minimized monetary losses. Some offices still practice manual measures of meal entries which give a tough time and lengthy algorithms to calculate the amount and also include errors and irregular transactions.
The canteen management system is a systematic approach to eliminate the manual calculations and give the synchronized and coordinated results. What the benefit comes out of it is the biometric authentication which is already been done of an employee in the office’s biometric attendance machine, the same data can be used at the time of distributing meals on the canteen management system which will sweep out the dis orientations from the canteens.
Automated biometric arrangements in canteens and other eating areas is a proof that biometrics is proving its worth in every industry with its wide approach of serving almost all verticals of corporate.